The first major reconstruction on "Battlefield 2015" was an event in the summer of 1941 — "a Time of setbacks and defeats".
At the end of the story of "Battlefield 2015" it is necessary to mention another mini-renovation, which is quite unusual, because, firstly, it was held, when it was already dark, and secondly — she showed the actions of the Belarusian partisan.
Festival "Battlefield" definitely would not have gotten its popularity if it didn't present a huge amount of military equipment.
Last weekend in the village of Nelidovo, at the junction Dubosekovo, (Volokolamsk district) hosted a large-scale military festival "battle Field", which was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the great Victory.
This two-day festival is held for the third consecutive year, attracting more visitors: only on Saturday, the audience gathered more than 10 000. And this is not counting visitors of privileged categories, such as conscripts, disabled people with escorts and large families.
12-13 July 2014 in the Volokolamsk district of Moscow region was held the festival of military "battlefield — 2014". Wargaming company acted as the General sponsor of the event, and the team of developers of World of Tanks went to the village of Nelidovo, to organize the playing area and to see the smoke and fire reconstructions.
On 12 and 13 July 2014 in the Volokolamsk district of the Moscow region held military-historical festival "the Battle Field". Despite the fact that he is only the second time (the start was given in 2013), many reenactors are already calling it the main event of the year! It is not by accident. Looking at the partners of the project, and they were the Mosfilm cinema concern, the Tank Museum in Kubinka, understand that you will not be bored. According to organizers the festival of military "Battlefield" is a brand new project aimed at the preservation and correct presentation of the military history of our country and other countries.
Special meaning to this terrific forum gives that it takes place on the battlefield where in the autumn of 1941 broke out the legendary battle included in the military annals of our country as the battle of the 28 Panfilov heroes.
Thousands of people came to the festival! And he met their expectations.
Russia completed the largest festival of military reconstruction - "the battlefield". He went near Moscow. On "the battlefield" came and Vladimir. Our region has provided a centre of living history "Strangetown". Children participated in the reconstruction of the battles of the great Patriotic war.
12 July in the village of Nelidovo, Tver oblast, near the historical places of battle the soldiers of the Panfilov division with the German fascist invaders in the autumn of 1941, starts a military festival "battle Field". This is a project that aims to convey the truth about the events of the great Patriotic and Second world wars, promote military-Patriotic education. In the Volokolamsk district of this unique forum was held last year and gained huge popularity.
Мы благодарим ветеранов и тружеников тыла, неимоверными силами которых сегодня мы живем и радуемся мирным дням, голубому небу, радости и спокойствию. Вы – символ мужества и доблести нашей страны! Мы ...
Dear participants and visitors!
We inform You that in 2018 the Military Festival "Battle Field".
Due to the holding of the world Cup and
restoration work on a garbage landfill ...
Дорогие друзья!
Поздравляем Вас с Днем Великой Победы!
25 ноября 2017 года ВИМК Победа, ОВИК Гвардия совместно с Военным Фестивалем "Поле Боя" проводит реконструкцию событий посвященных боям проходившим в рамках Ржевско –Сычевской стратегической наступательной операции (операция Марс), место ...
Друзья, сообщаем Вам, что 7–8 октября 2017 года на Бородинском поле состоится военно-исторический фестиваль «Москва за нами. 1941 год». Мероприятие организовано совместно с Российским военно-историческим обществом (РВИО) и Международной военно-исторической ...
Уважаемые участники и гости Военного Фестиваля «Поле Боя» 2017!
Несмотря на непогоду Военный Фестиваль «Поле Боя» успешно завершился! Благодарим военно-исторические клубы за участие и за стойкость. Спасибо гостям и зрителям ...