Lyrics A.Shaganov, music O.Makin

April 26, 1941-1945, military history...

April 26, 2015, 6:58 a.m.

Today 26 April 2015. On this day in military history:

In 1942:

Began to form the Kuban Cossack cavalry corps (later the 4th Guards Cossack cavalry corps).

In the United States was normalized to the sale of coffee and sugar. Cards in the United States were introduced only in the spring of 1943 the leadership of the country generally resisted the introduction of the cards, seeing the solution in increasing production, not consumption reduction.

In 1943:

The Politburo of the CPSU(b) adopted a plan of fighting guerrilla groups of Ukraine in the spring and summer of 1943.

The Soviet air force in different parts Ronta destroyed or damaged at least 20 German trucks with troops and cargo. Blown up two ammunition depots, breaking several railway trains of the enemy.

In 1944:

Our troops on April 26 on all fronts disabled and destroyed 65 German tanks. In air battles or by anti-aircraft fire shot down 22 enemy planes.

During 25 April and on 26 April, our aircraft have bombarded the court and the military stores of the enemy in the port of Sevastopol. Marked by several direct hits of bombs in the transports and barges were in the South Bay.

Hero of the Soviet Union became a tank commander, guards Junior Lieutenant Vasily Shkil, a platoon commander of the 64th guards tank brigade, he distinguished himself in battles for the city of Chernivtsi at the end of March 1944.

In 1945:

In battle American "Mustang" shot down and captured Adolf Galland, German fighter pilot, until January 1945 commander of the fighter aircraft.

In the district of Torgau, at 17: 00 took place the official meeting between the commander of the 58th guards rifle division major General Vladimir Rusakov of the commander of the 69th infantry division of the 1st American army major General Reinhardt which he recorded 50 foreign photographers, cameramen and journalists.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union Rodion Malinovsky, and Marshal of the Soviet Union Fedor Tolbukhin awarded the order "Victory".

Troops of the 2nd Belarusian front crossed the Oder and captured the main city in Pomerania and the major port of Stettin. Troops of the 2nd Ukrainian front captured the Czech city of Brno.

The organizer of a battalion of the 17th regiment guards Lieutenant Vasily Aleksandrovich Ermoshkin among the first in the battalion overcame the Strait that separates the port of Pillau from the spit Frische-Nerung, the fighters captured the base, and repulsed several counter-attacks. For this feat was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Italian partisans and rebels liberated Milan. The allied troops occupied Verona.

In the British house of Commons declared the total number of victims among the civilian population of London as a result of the raids of German aviation – 80 507.



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