Lyrics A.Shaganov, music O.Makin

April 15, 1941-1945, military history

April 20, 2015, 6:48 a.m.


Today, April 15, 2015. On this day in the war years:

In 1942:

From mid-September 1941 to 15 April 1942 from Leningrad were evacuated 659 thousand people. All in all since the beginning of the war to April 15 of the city brought 1 295 thousand people.

The Reichskommissar of the Ostland Lohse issued a decree about the confiscation of precious metals, but also aluminum, lead, copper, magnesium, Nickel, zinc, tin and alloys of these metals in all the enterprises of Ostland and the removal of all this in Germany. It was forbidden without the permission of the reichscommissar to use metal in any production, as well as construction and repair work.

In 1943:

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted a decree "On the introduction of martial law on all Railways". For the period of the war, all workers and employees of railway transport was considered to be mobilized and secured for transport for crimes on service transport workers were prosecuted on a par with the soldiers of the red Army.

The French Communist newspaper "l'humanité" published "General guidelines on the preparation of an armed uprising".

In 1944:

The independent coastal army liberated Alushta, Yalta, Gurzuf, Livadia, Simeiz. The retreating Germans had mined the harbour and the seafront of Yalta. However, our sappers managed to prevent the explosions.

Troops of the 2nd Ukrainian front reached the Carpathian mountains, entered the approaches I Assam and Chisinau and fixated on its laurels the turn.

Over the Pskov offensive of the Leningrad front (commenced 9 March). From our side it was attended by 173 120 people. The loss amounted to 10 killed and 453 wounded 31 680.

The Minsk partisans April 10-15 derailed 6 German military echelons.

In 1945:

Troops of the 3rd Belorussian front on the Zemlandsky Peninsula, were occupied with fighting 60 towns and captured 3 thousand soldiers and officers.

Vienna finished operation 3-th and 2-th Ukrainian front and the Danube military flotilla, with the participation of Bulgarian and Yugoslav troops. During the operation, completed the liberation of Hungary, completely cleared the Eastern part of Austria and its capital Vienna and defeated the German army group "South" and "E" (32 divisions of the enemy), captured 130 thousand people. The defeat in Austria and Hungary forced the German command to withdraw troops from Yugoslavia.

The battalion commander 1281 th infantry regiment (of the 1st Belarusian front" Ivan Tenishchev part successfully crossed the Oder and captured the bridgehead, destroying a huge number of Nazis. 31 may 1945 became a Hero of the Soviet Union.

The allied troops on the Western front was advanced 48 miles. In the Ruhr area of the bag cleared the city of Dortmund, 187 taken 57 prisoners.

In the North of Italy the allied troops, despite the desperate resistance of the German troops, continue to move to the river Reno.

In Berlin came Eva Braun, to join Hitler. Very few Germans knew about the existence of the one who for 12 years was the mistress of the Fuhrer. She came to his wedding and death.

The newspaper "Pravda" published a front line "the Bolsheviks – the organizers of the victories of socialist agriculture". To present the power of the collective went through the hardships of their growth in peace and in war. The victory of the collective farm system was the greatest triumph of our party in the village, the triumph of the Bolshevik method of governance peasantry. The Communist party suggested our village the transition to the path, as the only way out of poverty and ignorance to a prosperous and cultural life. The Bolshevik party assumed full responsibility for the development of farms. Every day it multiplied its ties with the collective that guided their development, warned of the threat they face...



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