Lyrics A.Shaganov, music O.Makin

April 13, 1941-1945, military history

April 20, 2015, 6:45 a.m.


Today 13 April 2015. On this day in the war years:

In 1941:

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Japan Matsuoka, stopping on the way home from Berlin to Moscow, on behalf of the Japanese government signed the Treaty between the USSR and Japan about mutual neutrality for a period of 5 years. Japan went for it, despite the obvious hints of Germany that war with the USSR is not far off, but received a guarantee of its security in the North. The Soviet Union to avoid war on 2 fronts.

In 1942:

The Council of people's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution "On issuance of Government loan military 1942" in the amount of 10 billion rubles for a period of 20 years. All ahead of time, 9 April, adopted the resolution "On the participation of trade Union organizations in the State subscribe to war loan of 1942". All Soviet citizens were encouraged to sign up for a loan in the amount of 3-4 weekly earnings. The loan was placed for 2 days with over 68 million rubles.

In 1943:

German propaganda told the whole world that in Katyn, a village 15 kilometers West of Smolensk, was found a mass grave was dug 4 143 corpses in Polish military uniforms. The Germans invited the international Commission of experts found that the tragedy occurred in April-may 1940 (the date was found in the pockets of shot poles letters was cut off by April 1940, the age of the trees planted on the graves, also pointed to this). On 15 April 1943 the Soviet radio announced that the Berlin statement was fake that the Polish officers were involved in the construction works of Smolensk, in the summer of 1941 by the Germans were captured and destroyed. When the democratic changes in the USSR led to the disclosure of the archives, the NKVD documents on the executions of the poles became the property of historians and the public. On 13 April 1990 the authorities had admitted responsibility for the crime and expressed their regret.

In 1944:

Troops of the 4th Ukrainian front liberated the capital of Crimea – Simferopol and Yevpatoria, as well as with battles won over 500 other settlements.

The independent coastal army liberated Feodosia, Stary Krym and took over 100 other settlements.

A group of torpedo boats of the black sea fleet found off the West coast of the Crimea and other countries two speed landing barges of the enemy, marching under guard 15 guard and torpedo boats. Despite the considerable numerical superiority of the enemy, the Soviet torpedo boats attacked the enemy and sank a barge and a high-speed patrol boat.

The USSR established diplomatic relations with New Zealand.

In 1945:

Troops of the 3rd Ukrainian front, after stubborn street fighting captured the Austrian capital Vienna. During the fighting from March 16, troops raided 11 tank divisions of the Germans captured 130 thousand soldiers and officers. The Soviet government began negotiations with representatives of the left forces of Austria for the formation of an interim government.

Samland began operation troops of the 3rd Belarusian front and the Baltic fleet to defeat the last forces of the enemy in East Prussia, Samland Peninsula.

American troops landed in Bohol – the last island in the Central Philippines, in the hands of the Japanese. There are fights on the Islands of Luzon and Negros.

In the air attack of Japanese aircraft on American land and sea forces shot down 108 Japanese aircraft. 1 sunk by an American destroyer and damaged several other vessels. On the island of Okinawa profit 4 American division.



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