Lyrics A.Shaganov, music O.Makin

April 09, 1941-1945, military history

April 20, 2015, 6:39 a.m.

Today, April 09, 2015. On this day in the war years:

In 1942:

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the decree "On temporary suspension of the payment of monetary compensation for unused leave in 1942". Monetary compensation was transferred in 1942 in savings banks as a special Deposit rate of 3 percent per annum, the issuance of funds on these deposits could only be made after the end of the war.

American and Filipino forces ceased resistance on the Philippine island of Bataan. Many ordinary Filipinos, the Japanese were allowed to go home. Survivor Americans and Filipino-Japanese commanders were forced to make a 2-week 145-kilometer hike at camp O'donnell, called the Bataan death March, during which were killed or died of 10,000 cheloveku the Entire loss of the Americans and Filipinos during the defense Bataan amounted to 20 000 people.

In 1943:

Soviet submarine K-21 torpedoed off the coast of Norway the German torpedo boat destroyer.

In 1944:

Our troops, advancing between the rivers Prut and Seret, took on the Romanian territory of more than 200 settlements.

The red Army cut the railway Iasi-Pascani.

On the site Belorussian front pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel Canopies, patrolling over our positions, met with four German fighters "Focke-Wulf-190". In a brutal battle Nets shot down two enemy planes. Pologova the aircraft was damaged and caught fire. At this time in the area of the battle there were 11 enemy transport aircraft "Junkers-52". Colonel Canopies on his burning fighter crashed into the building and rammed a German transport plane. Comrade Canopies jumped with a parachute from a burning car and landed safely on its territory.

On 9 April our troops disabled and destroyed 95 military tanks. In air battles or by anti-aircraft fire shot down 30 enemy aircraft.

The partisans of the Baranovichi region was undermined on mines German armored train.

In 1945:

The red Army after a massive strike of artillery and aviation (approximately 1,500 aircraft) and three days of severe fighting captured the city and fortress of Konigsberg (now Kaliningrad). For excellence in the fighting, about 200 soldiers were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

The allies on the Western front launched a major offensive, which ended on April 21, the collapse of the German front. One day they took 24 cities.

1250 American bombers raided airfields at 10, the tank farm and the warehouse of explosives in the Munich area.

After a slow fighting in Northern Italy, American forces under the command of H. Alexander (1300 people, 10,000 guns, 4 thousand aircraft) launched an offensive against the German forces (439 thousand men, 400 tanks, 2500 guns and mortars, 130 aircraft). With the support of the Italian partisans to the allies on April 17 broke through the enemy's defenses and began the pursuit of the German forces, stretching from Italy.

The newspaper "Pravda" reported: Statement of the Soviet government about Austria. The Soviet government does not pursue aims of acquiring any part of Austrian territory or changes in the social system of Austria, it is on the point of the Moscow Declaration of the allies on the independence of Austria and will contribute to the elimination of the regime of the German fascist invaders and the restoration of Austria's democratic order and institutions.


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