Lyrics A.Shaganov, music O.Makin

07 April 2015. On this day in military time

April 17, 2015, 5:37 a.m.

In 1942:

IBS the USSR and the CPSU(b) adopted the resolution "On allocation of land for farms and orchards of workers and employees". Local authorities were required to allocate all vacant land in the towns and villages and take them to enterprises, institutions, organizations, organizations and military units to create subsistence farms and in the orchards of workers and employees. In the absence of vacant urban land were allowed temporarily to produce crops on unused land of the collective farms. These gardens literally saved the lives of the inhabitants of the cities: issued at the cards only enough product so as not to die of hunger.

In 1943:

The newspaper "Pravda" published the message of the people's Commissars of the USSR: "in view of the fact that after 2 months releasing State loan defense, the CPC so as not to burden the population with excessive costs, requests the citizens to stop April 7 voluntary individual and collective contributions of cash to the Fund of the red Army".

Bolivia declared war on Germany, Italy and their allies.

In 1944:

Troops of the 2nd Ukrainian front liberated the city of Botosani.

The grouping of German forces surrounded in the area North of the Kamenets-Podolsky made his way along the left Bank of the Dniester to the town of Buchach and United with the troops, causing a counterattack from the area South-East of the city.

7-8 April, German aircraft had made several large raids on Kiev. Together with their Soviet anti-aircraft gunners fought off anti-aircraft battalion of the Polish army. In battle, killing 49 soldiers-poles.

On all fronts 7 April, our troops disabled and destroyed a German tank 41. In air battles or by anti-aircraft fire shot down 92 enemy aircraft.

Partisans of Volyn region attacked an enemy strong point. As a result of battle the enemy's garrison was defeated. The guerrillas have destroyed 75 Hungarian men and officers. Captured 67 of the Hungarians. Captured 8 machine guns, 125 rifles, 2 radios and a lot of ammo. A derailed train.

In 1945:

There are offensive battles on all fronts. Troops of the 3rd Ukrainian front engaged in street battles in the southern part of Vienna.

The ally troops on the Western front took of Meppen, Lingen, Scales, Eisenach.

The soldiers of the American 3rd army found in salt the spears to the South of Mühlhausen gold reserves of the German Imperial Bank – about 100 tons of bullion. In addition, it found 3 billion German marks, 2 million dollars, 100 million francs, 110 thousand English pounds.

On American troops on Okinawa were hit by Japanese kamikaze 355 and 340 normal dive bombers. Although 383 aircraft were shot down by American fighter interceptors, however during the RAID were sunk 2 us destroyers, 2 ammunition ship, a minesweeper and another 24 ships have received damages.

American aviation in van Bay-dimana attacked the giant battle-cruiser "Yamato", light cruiser and 8 destroyers of the Japanese. "Yamato", the cruiser and 4 destroyers were sunk, which seriously undermined the power of the Japanese fleet. In total, the Japanese lost 3 655 sailors, the loss of the Americans amounted to 15 aircraft, 84 pilot and sailor.

In Japan, the government koiso resigned. New Prime Minister was Suzuki.


With the upcoming Victory Day!
April 26, 2019, 2:03 p.m.

Мы благодарим ветеранов и тружеников тыла, неимоверными силами которых сегодня мы живем и радуемся мирным дням, голубому небу, радости и спокойствию. Вы – символ мужества и доблести нашей страны! Мы ...

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Dear participants and visitors!
We inform You that in 2018 the Military Festival "Battle Field".
Due to the holding of the world Cup and
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Дорогие друзья!

Поздравляем Вас с Днем Великой Победы!


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