Lyrics A.Shaganov, music O.Makin

05 April 2015. On this day in the war

April 17, 2015, 5:36 a.m.

In 1941:

The USSR and Yugoslavia signed a Treaty of friendship and non-aggression that almost nothing of Yugoslavia did not give, and only protested the Soviet Union against the aggressive policy of Germany in the Balkans (remember, still the Union of Germany and the Balkans – in the "interests" of Moscow, is still in negotiations with Hitler in Berlin Molotov insisted not to spread the war to the Balkans). The Soviet government immediately informed the German Ambassador von der Schulenburg about the fact of signing of the contract, and he telegraphed to Berlin: Stalin hoped that proactive steps will convince the German government to make "in its relations with Yugoslavia everything possible to maintain peace". The Soviet-Yugoslav Treaty provided for a policy of friendly relations in the case that one Contracting party attacked. Early on the morning of 6 April, when Moscow has just ended the Banquet on the occasion of signing the Treaty, Germany invaded Yugoslavia. The only step from our side was the message of the people's Commissariat of foreign Affairs of 13 April, which condemned aggression of Hungary, acceded 11 April attack on Yugoslavia.

German foreign Minister summarized the data on the supply of raw materials from the USSR to Germany: "After the conclusion of the German-Soviet economic from January 10, 1941 there was a noticeable restraint on the Soviet side in the practical implementation of the Soviet deliveries, which is probably partly was due to the cooling of political relations with the Reich. Changes to this plan occurred in March. Delivery in March has grown rapidly, especially the supply of grain, oil, manganese ore, non-ferrous and precious metals. The bread contract, obtained after a hard fight, brought shipments of grain to 1.4 million tonnes by September this year, at relatively favorable prices. The transit through Siberia, as usual, is proceeding satisfactorily. At our request the Soviet government even allocated at our disposal at the Manchurian border special for transportation of rubber..."

In 1942:

The Central Committee of the CPSU(b) adopted a resolution on the reduction of circulations, volumes and frequency of Newspapers.

Hitler learned from the first disastrous winter in Russia and in a narrow circle, said: "In the middle lane the first thing you need to cultivate vast wetlands with reeds, etc. to the coming winter. a terrible Russian cold".

In 1943:

In Stalingrad arrived the first echelon with gifts from workers Kuibyshev region. "We thank the dear Kuibishev people who first, along with other Volga cities undertook the restoration of Stalingrad", - said at the rally Secretary of the Stalingrad regional Committee of the party T. Chuyanov.

In 1944:

Troops of the 2nd Ukrainian front liberated the Romanian city of Dorohoi. In Kishinev the direction of our troops have occupied more than 30 settlements.

Troops of the 3rd Ukrainian front captured the town and large railway junction of Separate – an important strong point of defence of Germans on the outskirts of Odessa.

During the 5 April, our troops on all three fronts were knocked out or destroyed German tank 84. In air battles the t anti-aircraft fire had shot down 44 enemy planes.

The allied air forces began systematic raids on the Romanian oil area of Ploiesti.

In 1945:

Troops of the 4th Ukrainian front together with the Czech troops captured the city of ružomberok and occupied more than 40 settlements.

Troops of the 2nd Ukrainian front captured the towns of Malacky and Brooke, and took another 50 settlements.

Troops of the 3rd Ukrainian front cut the motorway Vienna-Linz and is located in 4 kilometers from Vienna.

Allied forces on the Western front took the city of Osnabrug, Gota and captured 107 40 German soldiers and officers.

Chile declared war on Japan.

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the USSR Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov summoned the Japanese Ambassador and officially told him that the USSR unilaterally terminated the Soviet-Japanese non-aggression Pact for a period of 5 years, signed in Moscow almost four years earlier. This Pact allowed the USSR to avoid a war on two fronts. Four months later the Soviet Union declared war on Japan.

The newspaper "Pravda" reported: According to the Extraordinary state Commission for establishment and investigation of atrocities of fascist aggressors on the territory of Latvia killed 250,000 civilians (including 170 000 in Riga), 327 000 prisoners of war. To Germany was hijacked 175 000 citizens of Lithuania.



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Дорогие друзья!

Поздравляем Вас с Днем Великой Победы!


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