Lyrics A.Shaganov, music O.Makin

May 03, 1941-1945, military history...

May 3, 2015, 11:10 a.m.

Today 03 may 2015. On this day in military history:

In 1942:

The troops of the northwestern front was ordered to close "ramasheuski corridor", which the Germans struck on 23 April to supply its surrounded troops, and eliminate Demyansk enemy. Bloody and fruitless fighting continued until 20 may.

In the communiqué of the joint command of the allies in the South-Western Pacific ocean it is reported that in the Philippines the situation has not changed. American artillery on Corregidor island continues to repulse the Japanese aircraft bombing the island, and artillery, leading the fire from the island of Luzon. On the Islands of Mindanao, Panay, Negros, Cebu and other fighting continues.

In 1943:

On this day of our aircraft in various parts of the front destroyed or damaged to 50 German trucks with troops and cargo. Blown up 8 warehouses of munitions and fuel depot, suppressed the fire 9 artillery and mortar batteries, scattered and destroyed part of up to two companies of enemy infantry.

The partisans in the Gomel oblast on 2-3 may led fierce battles with the German punitive expedition. Striking to the opponent's sudden attacks, the guerrillas destroyed more than 200 Nazis. Captured trophies. The partisans of the Polesye region derailed two German vinskih echelon. Broken locomotive and 16 wagons of ammunition and weapons.

In the UK all women aged 18 to 45 years, not working and not having children, established the obligation to work part-time.

In 1944:

3 may our troops on all fronts wrecked and destroyed 47 German tanks. In air battles or by anti-aircraft fire shot down 24 enemy planes.

On the 4th Ukrainian front at the rally of the XYZ guards units private gunner Berezin said, "the successes of the red Army referred to in the first order of comrade Stalin, have also our part. We are proud that we had the honor to participate in the breakthrough of enemy defenses on the Perekop isthmus. The troops in our front caused the German-Romanian troops in Crimea a heavy defeat. The order of comrade Stalin calls us to new decisive battles."

The guerrillas Baranovichi region for the month derailed 14 echelons of the enemy. 180 broken wagons and platforms with troops and cargo.

In 1945:

Troops of the 2nd Belorussian front occupied city in Germany Ban Doberan, Neubukow, Varin and installed on the Elbe connection with the English troops.

Troops of the 1st Byelorussian front reached the Elbe Southeast of Wittenberg and made contact with American troops.

English troops occupied Hamburg.

The remnants of the Vlasov army were trying to find refuge in Liechtenstein, but were transferred to the Soviet authorities.

The newspaper "Pravda" reported: put into operation the first turn of the Krasnoyarsk combine plant, which released the first 350 harvesters.


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