Lyrics A.Shaganov, music O.Makin

May 02, 1941-1945, military history...

May 2, 2015, 1:47 p.m.

On this day in the war years:

In 1941:

The German Ambassador in Moscow, count Werner von der Schulenburg reported to Berlin that "rumors of an imminent German-Soviet clash" was so widespread in the Soviet capital that he and the staff of the German Embassy was difficult to deal with it.

In 1942:

In the Barents sea, North of Norway, sunk the English cruiser "Edinburgh", subjected to a torpedo attack by German submarines. The ship lost control, and the captain ordered to open valves, with the result that the cruiser was on the seabed at a depth of 245 meters. In the cellar slug cruiser was carrying 465 gold bricks weighing more than 5 tons, sent from the USSR to great Britain in payment of the supply of arms. In the fall of 1981, 12 of the divers of the British Navy rose to the surface all the gold that was delivered to the addressee.

In 1943:

This week (April 25-may 1) in air battles and on the airfields of the enemy destroyed 281 German plane. Our losses during this same time – 105 aircraft.

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the decree "On liability for illegal awarding orders and medals of the USSR and badges, for the assignment of orders, medals and badges and transfer them to other persons".

Died Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR Konstantin D. Pamfilov.

In 1944:

Aviation of the black sea fleet was sunk West of the Chersonese 4 Nazi transport in one of the battles was immediately shot down 5 enemy planes.

The long-range aviation made a massive RAID on the railway junction lions and bombed a congestion of echelons.

On the site of the 3rd Ukrainian front the red Army crossed in full force 4th howitzer battery 1st Slovak metadevice.

In 1945:

By the evening of 2 may in Berlin captured more than 70 thousand German soldiers and officers. During the fighting from April 24 in the area our troops have captured more than 120 thousand people, the Germans lost in killed 60 thousand people. Troops of the 2nd Belarussian front, developing the offensive, took the city of Rostock, warnemünde, and 15 more cities and large settlements.

In Berlin, on the steps of the Reichstag for the soldiers was sung by Lidiya Ruslanova.

Appointed Adolf Hitler, "the head of the Reich" gross Admiral Karl Doenitz was appointed Lucca Schwerin von Krosha Chancellor of Germany.

It is believed that on this day died Martin Bormann, personal Secretary and close associate of Hitler. Party fellows name was Borman, who acquired almost absolute power in the Third Reich, the "grey cardinal" and the "iron Chancellor". Bormann was a witness at the wedding of Hitler and later burnt the bodies of the Fuhrer and his wife. After Hitler's death Bormann disappeared. Some have argued that he was trying to break through the battle formations of Russian, but died, some that he committed suicide. There were witnesses who claimed to see him in Northern Italy and in Argentina. In 1973, Bormann was officially declared dead on the basis of the identification of the skeleton found near Hitler's bunker.


With the upcoming Victory Day!
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Дорогие друзья!

Поздравляем Вас с Днем Великой Победы!


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